Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave...

As Shakespeare so eloquently put it, "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive."

I am talking about the recent scandals now rocking DC to its very rotten, corrupt core. Proving he is even more crooked than the Democrats favorite whipping dog (Nixon), President Obama has just revealed to the American people just how dangerous he really is. Using the favorite tactics of Chicago politicians for decades, he turned the apparatus on the government to assault those who opposed his Marxist-Leninist mantra for driving These United States into the ground. Even the press can no longer ignore Obama's thuggish tactics since they have just found themselves on the receiving end of his criminality. Even the gutless John Boehner has now located his missing backbone and is now calling for jail time for those involved. The swamp of political graft and corruption called Washington DC has just been uncovered by the actions of one of their own.

Using the IRS to attack political enemies is nothing new. There are instances that go back as far as the FDR administration using the jackbooted tax-men to uncover dirt on rivals during political campaigns. Democrats love to go after J. Edgar Hoover as a thug who enjoyed holding scandals over his enemies' heads but it appears they have their own version Hoover in the IRS. My late Grandfather was a victim of IRS thug tactics before I was born for running afoul of an IRS agent and the harassment lasted for years. The IRS was protected by laws that denied them being held accountable so they became the favored tool of corrupt politicians and parties.

Ever since Bill Clinton left office and barely escaped impeachment, the Democrats have become ever more vicious and determined in their attacks on anyone who disagrees with them. They attempted to steal the 2000 election, claiming "hanging chads" and Florida's Republican government stole an election, using this to drive a wedge in America the likes of which hasn't been seen since the 1850s. Time and again, Republicans were called fascists, racists, liars, thugs, and worse by increasingly shrill liberals operating in collusion with their adoring media. The press threw away its rather thin veil of respectability to support these attacks, printing innuendo and lies while hiding the truth. The Liberal Left used the press, schools, entertainment, the internet and any other tool that came to hand to demonize the Right in an effort to not only win elections but to personally destroy their opponents. Liberals have sought revenge on the Right for the disgrace Bill Clinton brought on their party.

When Barack Obama was elected, the Left called it a "new age of post-partisanship" and that he would unite the country. This was a bald-faced lie for anyone who studied Obama's record in Chicago and the US Senate where he gained office by gaining access to sealed court records on two rivals, silencing opposition through barely-disguised threats, and carefully hiding his own records from review. Anyone who has questioned Obama's missing college records, social security numbers (there are two now tied to his name), and his ties to Saul Alinsky and radical 1960s terrorists have been viciously assaulted by the press and the administration in an attempt to silence them. The Obama administration managed to wriggle its way free of the Fast and Furious crimes and seemed impervious until last week as time and again the press assisted the administration in suppressing any scandals that might threaten them. This new age turned out to be the jazz-age gangster-style corruption that made Chicago infamous. Since taking office, Obama has done little to unite the country and, in fact, seems ever more determined to turn the nation upon itself in a civil war.

Now, Barack Obama and his minions have been caught in the kind of criminality that many suspected him of but few had evidence to prove it. This ended last week when the Benghazi cover-up, the IRS digging for dirt, and the Justice Department illegally listening in on the AP all blew up in the Administration's face, revealing the stinking heart of corruption that drives the current President and his administration. President Nixon never even came close to what Obama has had happen on his watch. This list of cover-ups and crimes are the very definition of high crimes and misdemeanors the Founders warned us of. These crimes are typical of a man raised by Communists (his mother and grandparents were members of CP-USA) who was taught the ends justify the means and that America must be destroyed. Obama and his thugs have committed the very crimes that Nixon was accused of attempting.

The problem with lying and thievery is eventually the guilty party will be caught in their own web of lies. Obama's narcissism, lies, and criminal upbringing have finally been revealed for all to see.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

When in the Course of Human events

The news this week has been interesting to say the least and has been indicative of the problems we, as a country, face. First came the revelation that the president and his staff not only changed the Benghazi narrative into a massive lie but they had to edit it a dozen times to get it just right. Then came the news the IRS has been harassing conservative non-profits like the schoolyard bully. These two events are perfect examples of high crimes and misdemeanors that far surpass Watergate, Katrina, and Iran-Contra combined and  I will discuss why further detail below.

First comes the abandonment of Americans in Benghazi. Four Americans lost their lives when they were cornered in a terrorist attack by Islamic militants, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. For the first time in our history have Americans been abandoned without an effort at rescuing them. Indications showed an attack was imminent for days and even weeks before the attack yet the State Department and White House did nothing to improve security or even shut down the consulate to protect the Americans serving them. When the attack did come, the administration refused to send support TWICE, ensuring these men would be left alone to die after hours of resistance. In fact, the President went to bed early without activating the situation room and then left the next day for a campaign event while the Secretary of State did nothing. Relief forces were ready to go and had a good chance of rescuing the besieged Americans but were denied the chance to do so. Then the airwaves were flooded with a false narrative designed to minimize the attack to improve Barack Obama's chances at reelection, denying the truth in favor of political expediency. This lie continued to be told until 10 May 2013 when the White House admitted the truth and was finally pinned down by journalists whose complicity in the lie had finally been pointed out. The outrage of these needless deaths is just beginning to sink as it is indicative of an administration so cynical it would leave men to be murdered rather for political expediency.

Next come the IRS harassment of conservative groups. The same day the Benghazi lie was admitted to, the IRS made a halfhearted apology over its heavy-handed tactics when dealing with conservative 503.c tax-exempt organizations, requiring intrusive details and vast amounts of information before granting tax-exempt status for the administration's political rivals. This delayed groups with the words "Tea Party" and "Patriot" in their titles from receiving this status while the information required was pure intelligence-gathering. The IRS was suppressing Americans right to organize for an election because they opposed the administration. This is far worse than Nixon's Watergate scandal where the administration tried to sneak into DNC headquarters on a fact-finding burglary. Rumors of Nixon using the IRS to harass enemies was enough to cause a scandal. Obama's IRS has been caught doing what Nixon was accused of. Yet another high crime and misdemeanor to add to Fast and Furious, Benghazi, voter fraud, identity fraud, corruption, and perjury. This reeks of an arrogance so blinding that it eclipses the tyrannies of King George and parliament.

The good news is that the press may finally be awakening to the fact that their chosen man is a danger to all Americans. The 11 May Press conference was rancorous and Press Secretary Jay Carney looked like a deer in the headlights as he was pinned under a barrage of angry questions. For the first time since the 2008 election, major networks and newspapers were furious with the lies of the administration as it tried to place blame on everyone but themselves (Carney even tried to blame the press). The mainstream media is facing ever dwindling view/readership and struck back in the knowledge that ignoring this scandal would be their death-knell. Though implicit in hiding the truth of Obama's plans for the nation, the press refused to throw themselves upon their own swords for the sake of the President's agenda and have now started asking the tough questions that should have been asked five years ago.

True Americans have watched with ever-growing frustration for the last five years as time and again the current administration has trampled on the rights of common Americans without so much as a peep from the media. The one-two punch of Benghazi and the IRS may be the black eyes needed to awaken the everyday citizen to the threat of the man they elected. Scandals of this size are what the Founders spoke of when they described "high crimes and misdemeanors" as grounds for impeachment. The President is responsible for the actions of those who serve under him and these two events should be laid upon his doorstep without an opportunity to evade. The President is a corrupt and villainous man and it is obvious he has appointed men and women just as corrupt and villainous. The blinders have been removed and true Patriots should be relieved to see that what we knew all along is now obvious to all.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Meeting in the Middle Got Us into this Mess!

I recently saw a comment on Facebook under a Tea Party announcement about why can't the Tea Party meet in the middle. This person complained that the lack of compromise was causing America pain and suffering and compromise was the only way to solve problems. She couldn't understand why the Tea Party wanted to run politicians out of office in 2014 and why we stand firm against the left. This commenter was both complaining about and upbraiding the Tea Party for its beliefs.

I was shocked and dismayed, to say the least, at the blinding ignorance of her post.

Whenever the left wants something from America, they ask for compromise. They claim compromise is the only way to get things done. Compromise is how polite society functions. Compromise is the nice thing to do when you don't disagree. Compromise will make the independent voters happy. For the left, everything is compromise is the name of the game.

What compromise really means is that the left gets at least half of what it wants. They browbeat, scream, yell, demean, insult, and pillory anyone who doesn't want to negotiate. If there is disagreement, the left calls those who do every word they can think of that ends with "-ist". They drag out the straw-men arguments about how heartless the other side is, inevitably getting those independent voters to side with their purely emotional arguments. Compromise really means giving into at least half of the left's demands.

The left has traditionally set the bar so far left, that compromise almost always means they get just what they wanted to begin with. This is the ploy of the child who wants half a dozen cookies and screams and yells for a whole bag until you give him half a bag to shut him up. The child now has more than he wanted and knows how to get the other half a bag later. For claiming to be such understanding and enlightened people, liberals are actually completely inflexible but they are cunning. They realize that if they set up a "compromise" that gets them most of what they want, they can get the rest later.

As for the independent, these people are so ignorant as to be dangerous. These people are the third of the country that would've sat out the American Revolution and then thrown in at the last minute to be on the winning team. These people are the type that vote left so no one thinks they are "mean" or "heartless" or simply because they want to be seen as hip or part of the popular crowd. They have no principles, no real opinion, and no backbone. In other words, independent voters are sheep.

The Tea Party is right of center and is determined to stand on law and principle. The law is the Constitution, that ingenious document that is still relevant today and is not meant to be reinterpreted to fit the current political climate. The principle the Tea Party stands for is no more compromise unless the left is willing to give up just as much. The Tea Party realizes the current climate of compromise is ruining the nation through ever more destructive policies that are destroying the middle class in favor of feel-good policies that bring the left ever more power over daily life. So the Tea Party stands on principle and the Constitution without compromising those beliefs.

This principled stand drives the left into paroxysms of hate since they cannot get what they want. Like the child wanting cookies, they've had a tantrum and instead of getting half a bag, they get a spanking for being brats. The independent sees this and think the Tea Party parent is being cruel and pushes for compromise. This time, the Tea Party should ignore the independent or explaining the situation better, which will result in the independent favoring the punishment. The left hates principle since it destroys their childlike tantrums every time, as long those standing on principle continue to do so.

Not compromising isn't a bad thing, it is simply standing up for one's beliefs. What ever happened to saying no? Compromise is the act of caving in to at least part of another's wants if they also give into yours. The left never gives any, so why should we. Sometimes a principled stand is what is required to truly effect a change in the world. It was principled stands that brought us this country and gave us our freedoms. It was principled stands that freed slaves and liberated Europe and Asia. It was principled stands that defeated the Eastern Block. So why is a principled stand and an unwillingness to compromise bad things?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Time to Blog Some More

It has been a while since my last posting and I thought I'd post something new.

I have been reading about the American Revolution, intrigued by the men and women who put everything on the line for a chance at self-government. These patriots were willing to die for the off-chance that they could beat one of the most powerful Empires of the time. The odds were not good and the Colonials suffered more defeats than they won victories but they knew they had to outlast their foes to win. They knew Britain could not afford to keep so many troops in the field for year after year, so they decided to fight a war of attrition (probably the bloodiest form of warfare out there where one side simply tries to wear the other down). The patriots knew that if they lost, their lot would be similar to the Scots and Irish but these Americans wouldn't quit.

History often paints the colonists as monolithic but this is far from the truth. Around a third of the colonists were loyalists who actively supported the British. Another third sat on the fence and tried to ignore what was going on and often playing to both sides. The patriots were the last third but many never actively participated with only 5-10% of them engaged in the fighting. This lack of support often left the American armies woefully undermanned and under-equipped but they persevered. The colonies were anything but the united front of patriots that the uninformed believe.

What kept these patriots together was their belief in their cause. They honestly believed their cause was just and that Providence was with them. These ragged patriots knew in their hearts that they were in the right while the enemy was a corrupt aristocracy without blessings by the Almighty. This faith kept them going through the horrors of Valley Forge and Morristown; the defeats at Long Island, Brandywine, Ticonderoga, and Camden; and the "Country Dance" of the Southern Campaign. This faith led to herculean efforts at Trenton, Quebec, Vincennes, and the Mohawk Valley where victory was pulled from defeat. Thomas Paine often voiced this faith and his pamphlets kept half-starved Continentals going as around him all seemed lost.

Now we face constant verbal assault by those who vilify us for our patriotism, faith in God, and our determination that this nation is a nation of laws and not emotions. We are called every vile named in the book when we stand our ground and even physically assaulted. The so-called press makes us out  to be lunatics and monsters while hiding the true monsters among their own. Many claim all is lost.

I disagree.

These people are nothing but unintelligent bullies and fools who live in ivory towers led by narcissists  whose thirst for power and acceptance knows no bounds. Their beliefs  are confusing and contradictory and are based around a corrupt Marxist theory that has collapsed under its own weight throughout the world. The leaders are corrupt, self-serving red-diaper babies bred in the treason of the 1960s counterculture and have become the same kind of despots they accuse patriotic Americans of being. Their followers have been spoiled in a world where they do not have to take responsibility for their actions and have swallowed the lies that government is there to help them. These pawns react with vicious rhetoric and personal (often physical) attacks on those who use fact and logic to debate their ideas while their leaders encourage them with one hand while enslaving them with the other.

If George Washington and his Continentals could endure the defeats and trials they suffered, then we can carry the day against these spoiled-rotten, blind fools. God is with us.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What Has Happened to my Country?

A democratic government is buying billions of rounds of hollow-point and armor-piercing ammunition along with 2,700 light armored vehicles. Drone bases are being built around the country. Thousands of rifles and shotguns being purchased by every government department ranging from education to the park service. Add to this, politicians screaming for gun control with every village idiot parroting their every word. Anyone who disagrees with the administration is demonized and placed on lists. Veterans are being banned from owning arms because of their injuries suffered while serving. Journalists asking serious questions are demonized and threatened by the government and people who politically disagree are being called domestic terrorists. Is this "1984"?

No. Unfortunately, this is the United States of America, a place where I grew up under the belief of freedom and patriotism, where I served in the Air Force for 20 years, and where now I watch my fellow veterans being treated like dirt by the Veteran's Administration. Thousands rant about "making things fair" when what they really want is the fruit of another's labor. Success is demonized and hated while politicians promise unicorns and rainbows.

I was told last fall that quoting the Founding Fathers may have gotten me on one of the "lists" created by the alphabet-soup agencies in Washington DC. That Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and Patrick Henry are too radical for today's politics. There is no way I can confirm this as fact but I was concerned, needless to say. At first, I started pulling down the posts on this blog and facebook out of fear, but then I stopped. I became defiant instead and reposted them. This is what our Founders fought against and died to stop. I will not be intimidated into silence by threat and innuendo.

A friend of 20 years cursed me and derided me when I disagreed with him over politics. This is a man I trusted and considered a mentor. He called me a fascist, a racist, and worse when I told him I was a Constitutionalist and libertarian. It was shocking to be attacked by someone I trusted and loved like a brother. I pity him for his hate and stupidity.

I am an avid reader of history and what I see isn't pretty. America is heading down the same path of history as many other societies. The current generation (for the most part) is either too stupid or too apathetic to care. They want their iphones and internet, their American Idol, and their self-centered lives and could care less about being enslaved by their own laziness while being encouraged by their teachers to give up their liberties. I am currently attending college and am appalled by the quality of both students and teachers. We are in the same position as Rome with bread and circuses to keep the mob quiet (now we have TV and internet) while politicians offer them the moon at the expense of the hardworking.

I weep for my country but I will not give up on her. There are good people who are hated for their faith and their reliance on the Constitution. These people are finally awakening to the damage the so-called progressives have done to our country. Though small in number, I am seeing a spark of patriotism among the drones we call youth. I pray it doesn't come to violence, but historically, the left always turns to violence when they are blocked. I stand with the patriots no matter what happens. My oath still stands to support and defend the Constitution of these United States.

Friday, December 14, 2012

More Innocents Lost

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. From the sounds of it, a very troubled man was either ignored or neglected by society until he finally cracked. I am not excusing his actions, I am only saying that we, as a society, need to be alert to such problems and actually stand up and alert people to a potential problem before it explodes. What might've happened if someone told the authorities the shooter had gone off his meds? If you truly care for your community and your family, then step up and let people know if there is a problem.

Time and again we have these incidents where a potentially violent individual slips between the cracks. Afterwards we hear from neighbors and family about how troubled the shooter was but no one actually DID anything. Don't ignore the warning signs. There is little difference between workplace violence and school shootings. Please check out the following links and educate yourself so you can spot the warning signs.

Keeping quiet about a potentially violent person can cost lives. I would rather err on the side of caution than live with the knowledge that I could have stopped a madman and did nothing.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Question

I need some responses since this will affect whether or not my blog continues. I was recently told that blogs like mine are now considered extremist, result in surveillance, and affect my future chances at holding a security clearance and finding work in the Maryland area. I'm not sure if this is the ravings of a bully working at one of the Alphabet-Soup agencies around here or a real worry. It's pretty sad that this could happen as it means free-speech has been severely curtailed.

Should I continue my blog and possibly lose a chance at finding work or step back and keep a low profile about my principles?  Please let me know what you think.